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Corona Virus - Lucinda Price Photography

Update (4 July 2020) - I will shortly be publishing my Covid policy alongside the services I can offer currently. If you have a photography shoot requirement please do get in touch to discuss your requirements.

An update (14 March 2020) - Given the recent updates in the current health situation I am not actively taking any bookings for in person shoots in the short term future. Whist I am well and I want to assist with keeping the peak lower and don't want to unwittingly be a spreader/super spreader of this virus. I will update this further once I am back in action.

I am very aware with an increasing number of cases of 2019 Novel Corona Virus that my business may be impacted by this so below is an outline of my policy regarding illness.

I already operate a health policy, flagging up to customers if I have a minor ailment, cold etc. as I often work with vulnerable people both children and elderly etc. and think it is only fair to let them make the risk assessment. I have often rescheduled shoots due to my clients health (and occasionally my own) and understand, whilst I cannot comment on each individual case, this current situation will inevitably result in some cancellations or postponements and I will do my best to accommodate these.

I will be continuing this in the upcoming weeks and should I feel myself to be in a position where I have knowingly been in contact with someone with the virus and/or feel I am ill myself I will of course 'self isolate'. I will endeavour in this situation to either postpone or replace myself with another photographer if they are available and will work with the clients for minimum disruption.

I would be hugely grateful to any clients I have/will work with in this period who contact me as soon as possible should they find themselves to possibly have Covid-19. As mentioned above, I do work with vulnerable people and I would like to be as aware as possible of the risks of any photoshoots I am working on.

I will endeavour to keep a 'hands off' policy (sometimes prior to now I have used my hands to guide posing etc) and may request to use hand washing facilities on a shoot.

I would very much welcome any more questions you may have about any bookings you would like to make/have made.

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