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Many faces - professional portrait shots

Are you planning a portrait session? Not sure what you are looking for? Not sure how you want to portray yourself to your customers or even potential dating partners?

Smart black outfit, strong make up, lucinda price photography headshot cambridge

Final chosen headshot

Recently Sarah came to me wanting a range of imagery for some professional websites she is featured on. Sarah works with large corporations and often high-profile business persons and wanted to portray a mature, corporate image for her main photograph.

Before the session, Sarah had made it clear she was looking for a white backdrop corporate shot, and we had a discussion about items of clothing for the image. As you can see from below simply changing a top/hairstyle and even expression can create a very different look.

Black and white image of Sarah

Following our session in the studio, we headed into Cambridge city centre for some more natural shots:

Following the session, I delivered a client gallery of images for Sarah to use as she wished.

My sessions usually take around 1hr which gives us plenty of time to gain different backdrops in the shot and create a set of different expressions and outfits.

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